Shock Loss Following A Hair Transplant: What Is It?

Shock loss is a common part of the recovery process in hair transplant surgery. This temporary symptom can be worrying for some, but it’s an indication that new healthy hairs are growing. Shock loss does not mean the procedure has failed; instead, it shows signs of success!

Patients often inquire about how to prevent shock loss, however, the reality is that it’s not possible. The hair cycle consists of three stages – growth, resting and shedding. When follicles experience a trauma such as during a transplant they enter into the rest phase after which no other solution remains for them to reenter the growth stage than complete shedding.

Shock loss of natural hair is a common occurrence when undergoing transplant surgery. Though the process can be stressful for existing hairs, fear not – this condition is only temporary! 

Root Hair Clinic employs the latest techniques and technologies to control shock loss, allowing for maximum hair growth potential post-surgery. Root Hair Clinic is committed to providing quality patient care and ensuring that our clients achieve their desired results from every transplant procedure.

How to Avoid Hair Loss

Root Hair Clinic understands that shedding is an unavoidable part of hair transplanting, but there are ways to reduce the amount lost. By taking a few simple steps before and after surgery, you can help keep your new follicles in place for longer!

1. Medications

There are two different medications to help patients with their hair loss – Minoxidil and Finasteride. Both can take up to four months for results but may show earlier in younger people or those experiencing recent hair loss. While generally safe when administered correctly by professionals, there are potential side effects associated with each medication such as eye irritation from Rogaine and decreased libido/erectile dysfunction while taking Propecia. However not all men respond positively so you must consult Root Hair Clinics’ experts before deciding if these prescriptions are right for you!

2. Timing and Size of Hair Transplant

Root Hair Clinic encourages patients to consider the timing and size of their hair transplant carefully. If they wait until a later date after the progression of hair shedding has been stabilized, then it is more likely that their desired area of coverage can be achieved with fewer grafts from the donor area – making for a better outcome overall!  

3. Camouflaging Products

There is a wide range of cosmetic camouflaging products to help patients disguise the physical signs of hair shedding and thinning. From adding volume at the base of each shaft, using specialized fibers for fuller coverage and thickness, or utilizing shading techniques to hide bare spots – you can find everything needed to restore confidence in one’s appearance!

The Root Hair Clinic team is committed to providing a unique and customized hair transplant experience for every patient, adhering to the highest standards of safety and quality. Root Hair Clinic prides itself on offering a comprehensive range of advanced hair restoration techniques, tailored to each individual’s needs.

Hair Loss Recovery

Recovery from hair loss can be a long and tedious process. Root Hair Clinic offers an extensive follow-up program to ensure the best possible outcome for patients. Our team is focused on providing exceptional care prior to, during, and after surgery. Root Hair Clinic also works with each patient to identify which methods will yield the most successful results as they strive to regain their confidence through hair transplantation. 

Root Hair Clinic is a dedicated team, passionate about helping clients achieve their desired hair restoration goals. With natural-looking results as our top priority, Root Hair Clinic can be the answer to all your hair needs! Contact us for more information and book an appointment today for personalized advice on how we can help you reach your dream hairstyle.

What to Do After a Hair Transplant?

Root Hair Clinic recommends a special hair-washing procedure after a transplant to ensure the best results. Root Hair Clinic prescribes a medicated shampoo and recovery spray to help the area of surgery heal faster. For two weeks, disinfecting once daily is encouraged for both the operated-on region as well as where the hair was harvested from. After this period has passed, regular shampoos can be used again without any further need for disinfection.

What vitamins should I take after a hair transplant?

Root Hair Clinic recommends taking vitamins after a hair transplant to ensure proper growth and nourishment of the new follicles. Vitamins play an essential role in regulating bodily functions such as energy production, cell reproduction, food metabolism, and more – providing vital nutrients for healthy hair development. 

Root Hair Clinic patients can benefit from taking B-Complex, Zinc, and Vitamins C, E, A & D to help speed up their healing process and optimize hair regrowth after a transplant. With Root Hair Clinic’s advice on what vitamins you should take post-transplant, you can look forward to luscious locks that will make heads turn!


Root Hair Clinic understands that shock loss is a normal part of the recovery process following hair transplant surgery. While it can be alarming, Root Hair Clinic wants to assure you that this symptom will eventually pass and should not cause any long-term concern.

Root Hair Clinic is a dedicated team of experts who are passionate about helping clients achieve their desired hair restoration goals. Root Hair Clinic prides itself on offering a comprehensive range of advanced hair restoration techniques, tailored to each individual’s needs. Root Hair Clinic also provides an extensive follow-up program to ensure the best possible outcome for patients. With natural-looking results as our top priority, Root Hair Clinic can be the answer to all your hair needs! Contact us for more information and book an appointment today for personalized advice on how we can help you reach your dream hairstyle.