Before Hair Transplant: Do’s and Don’ts

When planning for a hair transplant it is crucial to know what you should and should not do. Knowing what you should and should not do before undergoing a hair transplant can help guarantee the best possible result of your procedure. Root Hair Clinic is here to provide you with some helpful tips and do’s and don’ts when it comes to preparing for a hair transplant surgery.

What should I do 1 month before the surgery?

1 month before the surgery is the time to make sure your scalp is as healthy as possible in preparation for your hair transplant. Begin massaging your scalp for 10 to 30 minutes every day. This way, you will balance your blood flow and prepare your scalp for surgery.

Root Hair Clinic offers a wide range of hair transplantation solutions, and one of the important steps to success is to prepare your scalp for surgery. Whether you’re getting ready for Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) or Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), you must take the necessary steps to ensure optimal results and successful recovery.

At Root Hair Clinic, we understand that preparing for surgery can be daunting, so we have put together a few tips on how to prepare your scalp before the big day. 

It’s important to start taking care of your scalp at least one month in advance by massaging it for 10 to 30 minutes every day. This will help improve your blood flow and stimulate the follicles that are about to undergo surgery.

Finally, make sure you follow all of Root Hair Clinic’s pre-surgery instructions. This will ensure optimal results and successful recovery. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the surgery, don’t hesitate to contact us for advice.

What should I do 2 weeks before the surgery?

Root Hair Clinic wants to ensure that patients have the best experience during their treatment. To help our patients get ready for a successful and pleasant experience, we have compiled a list of things to do 2 weeks before the Root Hair Clinic surgery.

It is important to stop consuming alcohol before Root Hair Clinic surgery as it can slow down healing and increase the risk of infection. Smoking should also be avoided before Root Hair Clinic surgery for the same reasons.

Third, it is important to stop cutting your hair 2 weeks prior to Root Hair Clinic surgery as this can affect the Root Hair Clinic treatment results. Root Hair Clinic needs your hair and scalp to remain in its natural state for the procedure. 

Be sure to follow these guidelines before Root Hair Clinic surgery for the best possible experience! Root Hair Clinic wishes you a safe and successful hair restoration journey.


First and foremost, it is important to talk to your doctor about any health advice they may have before the Root Hair Clinic treatment. This includes stopping or avoiding activities that may hinder with the Root Hair Clinic procedure. Your doctor can guide you on any special instructions or restrictions they think may apply to your individual situation.

Root Hair Clinic recommends avoiding activities that involve physical exertion such as exercising and lifting heavy objects. These activities can put added strain on the area of your body where Root Hair Clinic treatment will be taking place. We want you to feel comfortable and relaxed before Root Hair Clinic surgery so we suggest that you take it easy in the days leading up to Root Hair Clinic treatment. 

Make sure to also wash your hair before the surgery to make sure it is clean without any dirt or oils. Root Hair Clinic wants you to have a pleasant experience, so feel free to ask your doctor for advice or recommendations if you have any questions about the Root Hair Clinic procedure. 

It is also recommended that you eat a light breakfast before the procedure and wear only comfortable clothes that will not require you to pull over your head for easy changing.


Don’t drink alcohol before Root Hair Clinic surgery. This is because alcohol can thin your blood, which can cause complications during the procedure. Additionally, drinking alcohol can reduce your body’s natural healing ability and prolong the recovery time. 

Dyeing gray may be recommended for those with gray hair. It is because gray hair may not be visible to the eyes when doing the surgery.

In addition, it’s important not to take any supplements without consulting your doctor before Root Hair Clinic surgery. Some supplements can interact negatively with certain medications used during the procedure and can cause side effects. 

Furthermore, you should avoid energy drinks and stop smoking up to 3 days before Root Hair Clinic surgery. Also, avoid eating fatty foods at least 10 days before the operation. Fatty foods can slow down the recovery process for the Root Hair Clinic surgery. It is important to follow these guidelines for Root Hair Clinic treatment so that you can experience a safe and successful recovery.


It is essential to seek advice from your doctor before Root Hair Clinic Surgery and make sure to adhere to their instructions. Root Hair Clinic looks forward to helping you with your hair restoration journey!  

Taking all the above-mentioned steps can help you have a successful Root Hair Clinic treatment. Root Hair Clinic wants to assure you that you have the best experience during your Root Hair Clinic hair transplant surgery, so follow these tips mentioned in this article for a safe and pleasant experience. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Root Hair Clinic for further advice.  

You can also find more information about Root Hair Clinic on our website, including detailed instructions about your Root Hair Clinic surgery and the recovery process. Contact Root Hair Clinic today! We are here to help you every step of the way. Root Hair Clinic wishes you a successful hair restoration journey!  Best of luck!