Structure of the Scalp

Let’s delve into the anatomy of our scalp and explore its layers, blood supply, and any clinical implications. Beneath the hair that covers lies a complex array of skin tissue that protects the bones in our cranial vault – let’s take a closer look!

The Layers of the Scalp

The structure of the scalp is composed of five layers, which form a collective structure. SCALP (Skin, Dense Connective Tissue, Periosteum, Epicranial Aponeurosis, and Loose Areolar Connective Tissue)  can be used to remember these layers – from the skin that contains hair follicles and sebaceous glands to dense connective tissue richly vascularised with adherent blood vessels; epicranial aponeurosis connecting occipitalis muscles with frontalis muscle; loose areolar layer containing emissary veins linking up veins in scalp with diploic veins & intracranial venous sinuses; and finally periosteum present at outer skull bones joining endostium at suture lines.

Arterial Supply

The scalp is supplied with an abundance of arterial blood via the external carotid and ophthalmic arteries. Specifically, three branches from the external carotid (superficial temporal, posterior auricular, and occipital) provide supply to frontal/temporal areas superiorly/posteriorly to the ear as well as the back of the head region, respectively. Additionally, two more vessels – supraorbital & supratrochlear arteries, which accompany their respective nerves, also serve as anterior-superior aspects in providing a rich source of nourishment for this vital organ.

Venous Drainage

Venous drainage of the scalp can be divided into two parts: superficial and deep. Superficial veins include temporal, occipital, posterior auricular, supraorbital, and supratrochlear ones that follow arterial supply. The deep region is drained by a large plexus called the pterygoid venous plexus, which drains to the maxillary vein via valveless emissary veins, connecting it with dural venous sinuses.


The scalp is sensitively connected to the body through various branches of either the trigeminal or cervical nerves. This connection enables us to feel a range of sensations, from gentle caresses to sharp pricks on our heads.

Trigeminal Nerve

The trigeminal nerve is composed of four branches that provide sensation to the face: supratrochlearr, supraital, zygomaticotemporal and auriculotemporal. The supratrochlear nerve supplies the anteromedial forehead while the supraorbital branch provides feeling to a large area between the anterolateral forehead and vertex. Additionally,the zygomatico-temporal branch from maxillary nerves gives sensations on temple region whereas Auriculo temporal supply skin in front of ear lobe above it.

Cervical Nerves

The cervical nerves are a set of four nerves that originate from the C2 and C3 vertebrae in the neck. Specifically, they include: Lesser Occipital Nerve (C2 anterior ramus), Greater Occipital Nerve (C2 posterior ramus) Great Auricular Nerve (from both C2 & 3 anteriors rami) and Third Occipital nerve(derived from  the posterior rami of C3). These all provide sensation to areas around or behind the ear as well as various parts of head including occipital region.

The intricate anatomy of the scalp plays an important role in hair transplantation, a common cosmetic procedure. During this procedure, healthy follicles from one area of the head are transplanted to bald or thinning areas. In order for the procedure to be successful, it is vital that the surgeon understands the structure of the scalp and respects the anatomy and blood supply of the scalp, as this ensures that the follicles are moved to a region where they will be nourished and can thrive. With proper understanding of scalp anatomy, hair transplantation can be safely performed to help those suffering from baldness or thinning hair regain their confidence.           

Why Choose Root Hair Clinic for Hair transplant?

Root Hair Clinic is a leading hair transplant clinic, offering the latest cutting-edge technology and treatments to deliver natural-looking results. Our board-certified physicians have extensive experience in performing hair transplants and understand the complexity of the structure of the scalp and its anatomy. We prioritize patient safety and satisfaction, ensuring that all our patients receive personal attention and care throughout their journey with

Jennevive Vlaszque from Germany says: “Root Hair Clinic Korea is honestly the best hair transplant clinic I’ve ever been to. The whole process was smooth and well-organized, from consultation to post-operative care. I couldn’t be happier with my results! Highly recommend!

Testimonials from previous patients speak of Root Hair Clinic’s commitment to delivering great results. Our hair transplant procedures have been successful in helping our patients achieve the desired look and improved self-confidence. We strive to provide an exceptional level of care, ensuring that each patient receives personalized treatment for their individual needs. That is why we are the preferred choice for many when it comes to hair transplantation.  Whether you are looking for a solution to baldness or thinning hair, Korea Root Hair Clinic can help you get back the look and confidence you deserve. Contact us today for more information about our services!

Booking Information

At Root Hair Clinic, we understand that finding a suitable time to book an appointment can be difficult. That is why we offer flexible booking options to accommodate our patients’ needs. You can either call us on WhatsApp and Kakao: +010-3111-3505, contact us via email ([email protected]), or visit our clinic at 1306-3 Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul and our friendly staff will get back to you as soon as possible with scheduling options. 

The entire booking process takes only a few minutes and you can be sure that we will find a convenient time for your appointment. Once the appointment has been booked, our experienced team of hair transplant specialists will guide you through the pre-operative assessments and answer any questions or concerns you may have. We use modern technology and techniques to ensure that each procedure is done with utmost precision and care. So book your appointment today at Root Hair Clinic and take the first step towards regaining the look you deserve!


What causes hair loss on the scalp?

Hair loss on the scalp can be caused by a variety of factors, such as aging, heredity, and changes in hormone levels. Male pattern baldness is far more common than female hair loss, typically appearing after puberty, with approximately 80% of men affected by age 70. Hereditary factors play an important role in determining who may experience this type of alopecia.

How do I stop losing my scalp hair?

With the right care and attention, you can stop losing your scalp hair! Avoid harsh treatments like heat tools, dyes, or bleaching for beautiful locks. Additionally, be wary of tight hairstyles that could damage your hair follicles – opt instead to keep a healthy scalp by washing regularly. Dr. Bergfeld advises that any inflammation on the scalp will affect growth, so take extra special care with it!

Can poor scalp cause hair loss?

Poor scalp care can result in hair thinning and shedding – when follicles become clogged with dirt, sweat, or oils, they cannot produce healthy new strands nor keep existing hairs strong. To protect against this type of damage, regular cleansing is key for preserving a full head of luscious locks!

Will my scalp hair grow back?

If you are concerned about your scalp hair growing back, it is likely that within three months of healing, the regrowth will resume. However, if a year passes after an incident and there has been no growth then this indicates scarring which means unfortunately the hair won’t return.


At Root Clinic, our team of hair transplant experts is committed to helping you regain your confidence and youthful look. We offer modern technology and techniques that are safe for all types of hair loss issues. With flexible booking options available, we make it easy to schedule a consultation with us – taking the first step towards regaining your desired appearance has never been easier! Our specialists also have extensive knowledge of the structure of scalps, which helps them create personalized solutions tailored specifically for you. Get in touch today if you’re looking for an effective solution against baldness or thinning hair!